Study; Fasting signal found active in the obese tissues
A new research has revealed that the signaling system (CREB) which maintains blood sugar level during fasting has also been found active in the fat tissues of obese mice at the early stages of developing type 2 diabetes.
Former study observed the phenomenon of CREB pathway to trigger the glucose production in liver and keep blood sugar level normal during fasting. When this CREB activity increases the result comes out in the high blood sugar and insulin resistance.
The researchers found that in fat cells of obese mice, this CREB activity, by lowering the manufacturing of a hormone adiponectin and the insulin-sensitive glucose career 4 (GLUT4), which push insulin resistance. This is supported by another experiment in which they blocked this signal in obese tissues and found it inactive against insulin resistance.
This is also noticed that CREB was comparatively less active in healthy mice but it did uncontrolled activities in the obese mice. So, the researchers concluded that obese pressure increases the activity of CREB genes and they tend toward insulin resistance.
By gathering these two results, the researchers are hopeful, to enhance the potential of targeting therapies to adipose tissue and altering the CREB signaling system, will be proved of great benefits in various insulin-resistant states.