Medical Compensation Claims for Brain Hemorrhages

Despite the enhancements in medical technology as well as protocols, mistakes still happen. Medical malpractice can be claimed. Often patients are given the wrong treatment or perhaps incorrectly diagnosed. Improper diagnosis leads to the wrong treatment being given. This can often make matters worse or lead to death. One medical problem that often is involved Read more


Improvements of Blood Cancer Patient

There flows a steady since of wellbeing and understanding when any very positive breakthrough research takes place after years, especially when it comes with improvement in anyone’s health and mind. Even American teens and young adults face all sorts of co-ordination that put their blood to grown cancer cells. According to the latest research, which Read more


Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that starts in the breast where the lining of milk ducts or lobules in breasts get affected. Usually there are 3 different types of breast cancers that can happen with separate stages in them. They can be different in their genetic make up and even in their aggressiveness Read more


A Key Hormone might Help Reinstate Female Productiveness

A new study has found a hormone known as kisspeptin to play a vital role in restoring female fertility. Therapy based on kisspeptin might serve as a less risky but more efficient treatment for infertility in women. The phenomenon involves the stimulation of two key sex hormones which are essential for the proper functioning of Read more


Colorectal Cancer More Common Among Vegetarians

UK researchers found that vegetarian diet could help to prevent caner. By reviewing data of 52,700 peoples, researchers analyzed that those who eat more vegetables have lesser chances of cancer than the people who eat meat. But shockingly, researchers found the greater cases of colorectal cancer in vegetarian people which is a disease already associated Read more


COPD Patients Feel Comfortable With Oxygen-Helium Mixture

Mixture of 60 percent helium and 40 percent oxygen, when inhaled by the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, provides comfort in the breathing during physical treatment, according to the trials conducted in the Canada. “The common conditions that can be included in the COPD are exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The high concentrated Read more


Dietetic Management for PEM -Protein-Energy Malnutrition

Protein-Energy malnutrition – An introduction The protein-energy malnutrition or PEM is a condition that includes marasmus and kwashiorkor. Marasmus is a condition in which dry form with extreme emaciation occurs and kwashiorkor usually occurs in children. The marasmus indicates the deficiency of proteins in the body along with the calorie deficiency. Dietetic Management for PEM Read more


Several Antenatal Supplements have Insufficient Iodine

A study on the multivitamins, taken during pregnancy, has revealed that most of these are deficient in Iodine as they mentioned on their labels. And this lower ratio of Iodine can affect the process of brain development. Unfortunately, a large number of brands those mentioned Iodine as a constituent on the labels of prenatal vitamins, Read more


How heart tackles Anger, Irregular Beat Explains

A recent research has revealed the mechanism of heart to foretell an anger spike which may result in irregular heartbeat. Since, a long time aggression and depression have been regarded as a threat to develop heart disease. The new study seems to complement this concept. When as an experiment some patients, implanted with defibrillators, were Read more


Brain exercise failed to provide desired results.

Computer games and advertised web side are incapable to ward off the mental decline in the comparatively healthy old people, the researcher said while studying brain exercise program. “These kinds of products have no advantage in the social daily life of intellectually active people. There are some other more productive things which we can do Read more


U.S Spends Billions On Youth Mental Health Illness

An expert panel said on Friday that U.S spends $247 billion on treatment and lost productivity each year. Treatments of certain illnesses among children and youngsters include behavior problems, mental illness and substance abuse. People aged up to 24 years were considered in the finding, evaluating the expenses spend on their specific health conditions. The Read more


Coping With Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence takes on a number of forms, but essentially what it means is that the incontinent person has difficulty controlling their bladder.  This affliction is actually much more common than most people realize, with over 25 million Americans suffering from it.  Urinary incontinence can happen to anyone, regardless of their age.  Sometimes it is Read more


Scrip Water Cushions Boost Neck Comfort

Scrip water cushions and pillows offer a tremendous combination of comfort and support, which is useful to many medical patients or individuals going through rehabilitation for an injury. They can be adjusted in order to apply varying degrees of support and firmness, which is very helpful to patients. The easiest way to adjust them is Read more


Live A Lifestyle Of Wellness By Overcoming Stress

Coping with stress is something that everybody has to do at some point or another.  Stress is not only a natural part of life; it is actually essential because it lets the mind know when it is overwhelmed.  The key is keeping it at a manageable level so that it does not cause further problems.  Read more